by Aurora Historical Society | May 22, 2023 | Articles & Exhibits, Aurora Historical Society
Tours of the 1857 Tanner House Museum resume May 28 and will be offered every Sunday afternoon of the summer until September 3. Admission is free, although donations are appreciated. Hours for the 45-minute tours are 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. President of the Aurora...
by Aurora Historical Society | May 21, 2023
Join us at the historic Tanner House Museum as we celebrate Independence Day as we put on an old-fashioned picnic complete with music, magic, a petting zoo, games, house tours, a blueberry-pie-eating contest, and at 1:00 pm, the Ringing of the Bells, first instituted...
by Aurora Historical Society | Dec 3, 2022 | Photo, Special Events
Enjoy the decked-out Tanner House on Sunday, December 4 from 1-4pm and visit with special guests Santa and Mrs. Claus! Special thanks to friends of Santa and Mrs. Claus, Jeremy and Tina Fewer for sharing their holiday spirit!
by Aurora Historical Society | Dec 3, 2022 | Photo
Darlene and Jim Varney and their daughter Emily Adams accept the Victoria Award from house historian Karen Nickels for their creation of a Victorian Christmas dinner in the Dining Room. Also pictured are Shawn and Pam Van Kampen, who decorated the Parlor. The award...