Giving to Aurora Historical Society
Support Our Mission
The Aurora Historical Society relies on donations to support its operations and is not tax funded. Operations are supported by donations made by individuals and businesses as well as grants from funding organizations including units of government. You can support the Aurora Historical Society by donating money, artifacts, or time.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Giving appreciated securities is an easy way to support our organization and may also provide you with the ability to give more than you thought possible.
If you would like to make a gift of appreciated securities, please contact us for instructions to provide to your broker.
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are 70 1/2 or better, you can support our efforts of Giving The Past A Future and continuing to tell The Aurora Story by making making a charitable distribution from your IRA. You can meet your required minimum distribution (RMD) as well as reduce your taxable income by up to $100,000 per year.
Leave a Legacy
The Aurora Historical Society is in a unique position to keep telling the “Aurora Story” in perpetuity. By including the Aurora Historical Society in your estate plan, your story will be told for future generations to come.
Give Now
Donor Advised Fund
Supporting the Aurora Historical Society through an existing Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a wonderful way to support the Society through your existing philanthropic vehicle. Make a suggestion to your fund’s administrator for a grant to the Aurora Historical Society via your regular process.
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Visit The Gift Shop
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505
The Aurora Story
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505
Visit The Gift Shop
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505
The Aurora Story
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505
Visit The Gift Shop
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505
The Aurora Story
David L. Pierce Art & History Center, 20 East Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60505