Link: Memorials made by Aurora ‘Cross Man’ for mass shooting victims are stored in museums nationwide — and, soon, in his hometown

Mar 29, 2019 | Link

Head over to the Beacon News’ site to read the column by Denise Crosby.

A man touches a cross after attending a vigil outside the Henry Pratt Co. plant in Aurora where five people were killed in a mass shooting in February. (Armando L. Sanchez/Chicago Tribune)

…the purpose of these crosses, to provide a communal place to grieve, is no longer as necessary. And for many inside the Pratt plant, they are but a constant reminder of the violence that took place within this company determined to build on a new normal.

And so, beginning at 2:45 p.m. on Sunday, those wooden crosses and the memorabilia surrounding them will be solemnly moved by the Aurora Historical Society to a less public but more permanent home at the Pierce Art and History Center.

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