by Aurora Historical Society | Jul 31, 2019 | Photo
…or, at least, the scale model in the Visitor Center. Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, July 27, 2019. Andy may have been born in 1964, but he keeps up with the times.
by Aurora Historical Society | Jun 10, 2019 | Photo
Quentin Roosevelt age 18, swears in Andy and assorted other Aurorans as honorary members of The White House Gang. Quentin, the youngest son of Teddy and Edith Roosevelt, was the mischievous ringleader of the gang. He died just 2 years later as a pilot in WWI and...
by Aurora Historical Society | Jun 8, 2019 | Photo
Andy Aurora meets a few famous people at “Off the Record”, just down the street from the White House.
by Aurora Historical Society | May 29, 2019 | Photo
Renowned artist and illustrator Wendell Minor is in town to have a street dedicated in his honor, but first, he had to make the acquaintance of another famous Auroran in the art world — Andy Aurora, a *brand* for Aurora since 1964. Street dedication Wednesday,...
by Aurora Historical Society | May 28, 2019 | Photo
Andy Aurora and Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshal Ed Huss on Memorial Day 2019.