Thank You Picnic Sponsors!

Jul 2, 2022 | Featured, Special Events

A Special Thank You To The Annual Independence Day Picnic & Ringing of the Bells Sponsors!

Alderman Mike Saville, 6th Ward
Petting Zoo

Alderman Juany Garza, 2nd Ward

Alderman Edward Bugg, 9th Ward

Greg Probst

Alderman-at-Large Ron Woerman

Cosmopolitan Club of Aurora
The Club That Fights Diabetes
Celebrating 95 Years of Service

Alderman Bill Donnell, 4th Ward

Alderman Carl Franco, 5th Ward

Alderman-At-Large Sherman Jenkins

Oberweis Dairy
Discounted Goods

Congratulations to the Aurora Noon Lions Club on their 100th Anniversary

A special thanks to all board members, staff, and volunteers who helped make this event possible

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