We asked our Museums After Dark visitors what their favorite artifacts are. Here are some of their responses.
James and Tess “The midget racer because it looks super fast.” Alina “The Western Electric desk phone because I want to use it and call my friend.” Olivia “The high wheeler bike because I love to ride my bike. Also, it looks cool.” Isaiah “The Sealmasters baseball team because I’m interested in sports and it’s nice to know that they were world champs.” Ben “The telephone because it looks funny.” Spencer “1920s working models of Barber Greene equipment because machines are cool.” Desiree “The tools and shells of the Mississippian Period, also the Civil War handgun and the Midnight Racer because they are all great and interesting and you can learn so much about them.” Joscelynn “The telephone because it is so much older than the telephones now. Also, the mussel shell because it was used as a utensil or carved for jewelry.” Mila “The midget racer because I want to ride it.” Adam “The Godard’s Military Band drum because it’s cool to see that they had time to have fun and fight for us.”